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Regional Services for SaaS

By default, Cloudflare routes customer traffic through the closest data center. This maximizes speed regardless of geographic location. However, this can route traffic through a different country than where the request was made. You may want to maintain regional control over your data because of end-customer agreements. Cloudflare offers Regional Services for SaaS to give you the ability to accommodate regional restrictions while still using Cloudflare’s global edge network.

​​ Prerequisites

Prior to enabling Regional Services for SaaS:

​​ Step 1 - Create a Spectrum application

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard and navigate to your account and website.

  2. Select Spectrum.

  3. If this is your first time using Spectrum, the Create an Application modal appears. Otherwise, select Create an Application.

  4. Select HTTPS as the application type. Regional Services only works over HTTPS.

  5. Under Domain, enter the domain that will use Spectrum. The domain associated here is where all custom hostnames are going to point.

  6. Choose the appropriate type of IP addresses for your subdomain.

  7. Under Edge Port, enter 443.

  8. Under Origin, select Origin IP or DNS record. Enter your custom origin IP and port.

  1. Select Submit to finish the application.

​​ Step 2 - Add custom hostnames to Spectrum Application

​​ For 10 or more unique origins:

  1. Navigate to SSL/TLS > Custom Hostnames.

  2. If you are creating a new custom hostname, select Add Custom Hostname. Otherwise, select the custom hostname that you want to use and select Edit.

  3. Point each custom hostname to the Spectrum app by selecting Custom origin server and inputting your origin.

  4. If you are creating a new custom hostname, select Add Custom Hostname and follow the instructions to verify custom hostname. Otherwise, select Save.

  5. Navigate to DNS.

  6. Select Add Record and select CNAME from the Type dropdown.

  7. Under Name, enter the custom hostname.

  8. Under Target, enter your Spectrum app custom origin and select Save.

​​ For less than 10 unique origins:

  1. Navigate to DNS.

  2. Select Add Record and select CNAME from the Type dropdown.

  3. Under Name, enter your custom hostname.

  4. Under Target, enter your Spectrum app custom origin and select Save.