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Deploy WARP using Jamf

​​ macOS

​​ Prerequisites

​​ 1. Upload the WARP package

  1. Log in to your Jamf account.
  2. Navigate to Computer > All Settings (gear icon).
  3. Click Computer Management > Packages > New.
  4. Upload the Cloudflare_WARP.pkg file. For the Display name, we recommend entering the version number of the package being uploaded.
  5. Click Save to complete the upload.

​​ 2. Create the policy

  1. Navigate to Computers > Policies > + New.
  2. Enter a Display name such as Cloudflare WARP Client.
    For Triggers, our recommendation is to select Startup, Login, Enrollment Complete and Recurring Check-in, but you can select the value that works best for your organization.
  3. Click Packages > Configure.
  4. Click Add next to the Cloudflare_WARP.pkg file you previously uploaded.
  5. Click Save.

​​ 3. Add a Configuration Profile

  1. Navigate to Configuration Profiles > New.
  2. Enter a name for your new profile, such as Cloudflare Zero Trust.
  3. Scroll through the options list and click Application & Custom Settings > Configure.
  4. In Preference Domain, enter com.cloudflare.warp.
  5. Upload your plist file and click Save.
  6. Navigate to Scope to configure which devices in your organization will receive this profile.
  7. Click Save.

Jamf is now configured to deploy the Cloudflare WARP client.

​​ iOS

The WARP client, known in the App Store as Faster Internet, allows for an automated install via Jamf.

​​ Prerequisites

Create an XML file with your custom deployment preferences.

​​ Configure Jamf for iOS

  1. Log in to your Jamf account.
  2. Navigate to Devices > Mobile Device Apps > + New.
  3. Select App store app or apps purchased in volume and click Next.
  4. In the search box, enter Faster Internet. Click Next.
  5. In the row for Faster Internet by Cloudflare Inc., click Add. To verify that it is the correct application, click this App Store link.
  6. Navigate to Scope and specify the devices in your organization that will receive the application.
  7. Navigate to App Configuration and copy/paste your XML file.
  8. Click Save.

Jamf is now configured to deploy the WARP client.