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Update firewall rules for customers or partners

You may want to adjust your firewall rules to increase access by customers or partners.

Potential examples include:

  • Removing rate limiting for an API
  • Sharing brand assets and marketing materials

​​ Update firewall rules by ASN

If a customer or partner is large enough, you could set up a firewall rule based on an autonomous system number (ASN).

​​ Allow traffic by ASN

This example uses:

(ip.geoip.asnum eq 12345 and cf.bot_management.score gt 30)Allow

​​ Adjust rules by ASN

This example uses:

If a request meets these criteria, your firewall bypasses normal User Agent Block rules.

(ip.geoip.asnum eq 12345 and cf.threat_score lt 14)Bypass - User Agent Block

​​ Update firewall rules by IP

For smaller organizations, you could set up firewall rules based on IP addresses.

​​ Allow traffic by IP address

This example:

  • Specifies the network and host.
  • Uses the cf.bot_management.score dynamic field to ensure requests are not high-risk traffic.
(ip.src eq and eq "" and cf.bot_management.score gt 30)Allow

​​ Adjust rules by IP address

This example specifies the network and host.

If a request meets these criteria, your firewall bypasses rate limiting rules.

(ip.src eq and eq "")Bypass - Rate Limiting