Fetch bulk analytics
Cloudflare Stream lets you fetch usage data in bulk using the GraphQL API. Stream’s GraphQL API exposes two data sets:
- Client-side Metrics: Data collected from the Stream Player. If you use your own player, it will not be reflected in this data set.
- Server-side Metrics: Data collected from server-side logs and used for billing purposes.
For additional information on using GraphQL, refer to Get started with GraphQL Analytics API.
Analytics in the dashboard
To view analytics data from the Cloudflare dashboard:
- Log in to your Cloudflare dashboard and select your account.
- Click Stream > Analytics.
- From Stream Analytics, click Add filter to view data related to your filter.
- After selecting your filters, click Apply.
You can also hover your cursor over interactive portions to view specific data points.
Client side analytics
Stream has a GraphQL analytics API that can be used to get bulk analytics for every video in your account with one HTTP request.
- Number of views (number of times the video playback has been started)
- Time viewed in seconds
- Number of video buffering events
- Number of times quality level has changed
There is no limit on number of filters per query.
- Video UID
- Date/time
- Country
- CreatorID
- Device type
- Device operating system
- Device browser
- Quality level (only for quality level metric)
Here is how you would get the view count and minutes viewed for the videos in your Stream account:
- Make a query to
- Include your Cloudflare API token in the headers (see cURL example included on this page)
- It is important that you change the $ACCOUNT_ID with your account ID and the date range
- The body of the query should contain the following GraphQL Query:query {viewer {accounts(filter:{accountTag:"$ACCOUNT_ID"}) {videoPlaybackEventsAdaptiveGroups(filter: {date_geq: "2020-09-01"date_lt: "2020-09-25"}orderBy:[uid_ASC]limit: 1000) {countsum {timeViewedMinutes}dimensions{uid}}}}}
Here is the exact cURL request:
curl --request POST \--url https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/graphql \--header 'content-type: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' \--data '{"query":"query {\n viewer {\n accounts(filter:{\n accountTag:\"$ACCOUNT_ID\"\n\n }) {\n videoPlaybackEventsAdaptiveGroups(\n filter: {\n date_geq: \"2020-09-01\"\n date_lt: \"2020-09-25\"\n }\n orderBy:[uid_ASC]\n limit: 10000\n ) {\n count\n sum {\n timeViewedMinutes\n }\n dimensions{\n uid\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}'
The response will look something like below. Things to remember:
- Each object inside videoPlaybackEventsAdaptiveGroups represents one video
- uid property represents the video uid
- count property shows the view count for one video during the specified date range
- timeViewedMinutes property shows the minutes viewed per video during the specified date range
- If a video did not have views in the date range specified, it will NOT be included in the response{"data": {"viewer": {"accounts": [{"videoPlaybackEventsAdaptiveGroups": [{"count": 5,"dimensions": {"uid": "35f58cd097b40b1264124d9easbd62249"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 0}},{"count": 0,"dimensions": {"uid": "39a24fb20aa2617a483582f5ggb6b0d5e9"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 0}},{"count": 0,"dimensions": {"uid": "5646153f8dea17f44dss542a42e76cfd04"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 0}},{"count": 0,"dimensions": {"uid": "6cc90238ffd28e1861ba2aaf1030f6d4db"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 1}},{"count": 2,"dimensions": {"uid": "764254b444dss68c63702e8545536dfb422"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 1225}},{"count": 1,"dimensions": {"uid": "a8d47920ds8c6e8d1cgffc425e6c9120ef76"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 0}},{"count": 2,"dimensions": {"uid": "cc707cacc9bc86cb8fbab0021d749389"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 1}},{"count": 1,"dimensions": {"uid": "e81376fee97b3115dc1c3f82fb2be79e"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 0}},{"count": 241,"dimensions": {"uid": "fcfa5c97795ba90251cbbae1880a0e18"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 101}}]}]}},"errors": null}
Server side analytics
- Date and time an event occurred at Cloudflare’s edge
- Media source for the minutes viewed
- Video ID
- ISO 3166 alpha2 country code from the client
Here is the exact cURL request:
curl --request POST \--url https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/graphql \--header 'content-type: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' \--data '{"query":"query {\n viewer {\n accounts(filter:{\n accountTag:\"$ACCOUNT_ID\"\n\n }) {\n streamMinutesViewedAdaptiveGroups(\n filter: {\n date_lt: \"2022-03-01\"\n date_gt: \"2022-02-01\"\n }\n orderBy:[sum_minutesViewed_DESC]\n limit: 10\n ) {\n sum {\n minutesViewed\n }\n dimensions{\n uid\n clientCountryName\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}'
{ "data": { "viewer": { "accounts": [ { "streamMinutesViewedAdaptiveGroups": [ { "dimensions": { "clientCountryName": "US", "uid": "73c514082b154945a753d0011e9d7525" }, "sum": { "minutesViewed": 2234 } }, { "dimensions": { "clientCountryName": "CN", "uid": "73c514082b154945a753d0011e9d7525" }, "sum": { "minutesViewed": 700 } }, { "dimensions": { "clientCountryName": "IN", "uid": "73c514082b154945a753d0011e9d7525" }, "sum": { "minutesViewed": 553 } } ] } ] } }, "errors": null
GraphQL API supports seek pagination: using filters, you can specify the last video UID so the response only includes data for videos after the last video UID.
The query below will return data for 2 videos that follow video id 5646153f8dea17f44d542a42e76cfd
query { viewer { accounts(filter:{ accountTag:"6c04ee5623f70a112c8f488e4c7a2409"
}) { videoPlaybackEventsAdaptiveGroups( filter: { date_geq: "2020-09-01" date_lt: "2020-09-25" uid_gt:"5646153f8dea17f44d542a42e76cfd" } orderBy:[uid_ASC] limit: 2 ) { count sum { timeViewedMinutes } dimensions{ uid } } } }
Here are the steps to implementing pagination:
- Call the first query without uid_gt filter to get the first set of videos
- Grab the last video ID from the response from the first query
- Call next query by specifying uid_gt property and set it to the last video ID. This will return the next set of videos
- Maximum query interval in a single query is 31 days
- Maximum data retention period is 90 days