Supported API methods for Ethereum Gateway
The full list of API methods that are supported by an Ethereum Gateway
is given below. The Gateway returns a 403
if a method is specified that is not
For a full list of RPC API methods, refer to the JSON-RPC specification.
RPC API method | Cloudflare Ethereum Gateway support |
web3_clientVersion | ✅ |
web3_sha3 | ✅ |
net_version | ✅ |
net_peerCount | ❌ |
net_listening | ❌ |
eth_protocolVersion | ✅ |
eth_syncing | ✅ |
eth_coinbase | ❌ |
eth_mining | ✅ |
eth_hashrate | ❌ |
eth_gasPrice | ✅ |
eth_feeHistory | ❌ |
eth_accounts | ❌ |
eth_blockNumber | ✅ |
eth_chainId | ✅ |
eth_getBalance1 | ✅ |
eth_getStorageAt1 | ✅ |
eth_getTransactionCount1 | ✅ |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | ✅ |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | ✅ |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | ✅ |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | ✅ |
eth_getCode1 | ✅ |
eth_sign | ❌ |
eth_sendTransaction | ❌ |
eth_sendRawTransaction | ✅ |
eth_call1 | ✅ |
eth_estimateGas | ✅ |
eth_getBlockByHash | ✅ |
eth_getBlockByNumber | ✅ |
eth_getTransactionByHash | ✅ |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | ✅ |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | ✅ |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | ✅ |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | ✅ |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | ✅ |
eth_getCompilers | ❌ |
eth_compileLLL | ❌ |
eth_compileSolidity | ❌ |
eth_compileSerpent | ❌ |
eth_newFilter | ❌ |
eth_newBlockFilter | ❌ |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | ❌ |
eth_uninstallFilter | ❌ |
eth_getFilterChanges | ❌ |
eth_getFilterLogs | ❌ |
eth_getLogs1 | ✅ |
eth_getWork | ✅ |
eth_submitWork | ✅ |
eth_submitHashrate | ✅ |
eth_getProof | ✅ |
Only supported for the latest 128 blocks. ↩︎