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​​ Constructor

let response = new Response(body, init);

​​ Parameters

Valid options for the options object include:

​​ Properties

  • body Readable Stream

    • A simple getter to get the body contents.
  • bodyUsed boolean

    • A boolean indicating if the body was used in the response.
  • encodeBody string

    • Workers have to compress data according to the content-encoding header when transmitting, to serve data that is already compressed, this property has to be set to "manual", otherwise the default is "auto".
  • headers Headers

    • The headers for the response.
  • ok boolean

    • A boolean indicating if the response was successful (status in the range 200-299).
  • redirected boolean

    • A boolean indicating if the response is the result of a redirect. If so, its URL list has more than one entry.
  • status int

    • The status code of the response (for example, 200 to indicate success).
  • statusText string

    • The status message corresponding to the status code (for example, OK for 200).
  • url string

    • The URL of the response. The value is the final URL obtained after any redirects.
  • webSocket
    • This is present in successful WebSocket handshake responses. For example, if a client sends a WebSocket upgrade request to an origin and a worker intercepts the request and then forwards it to the origin and the origin replies with a successful WebSocket upgrade response, the Worker sees response.webSocket. This establishes a WebSocket connection proxied through a Worker. Note that you cannot intercept data flowing over a WebSocket connection.

​​ Methods

​​ Instance methods

  • clone() Response

  • json() Response

    • Creates a new response with a JSON-serialized payload.
  • redirect() Response

    • Creates a new response with a different URL.

​​ Additional instance methods

Response implements the Body mixin of the Fetch API, and therefore Response instances additionally have the following methods available: