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Query Postgres from Workers using a database connector

​​ Overview

In this tutorial, you will learn how to retrieve data in your Cloudflare Workers applications from a PostgreSQL database using Postgres database connector.

For a quick start, you will use Docker to run a local instance of Postgres and PgBouncer, and to securely expose the stack to the Internet using Cloudflare Tunnel.

​​ Basic project scaffolding

To get started:

  1. Run the following git command to clone a basic Postgres database connector project.
  2. After running the git clone command, cd into the new project.
    $ git clone
    $ cd worker-template-postgres

​​ Cloudflare Tunnel authentication

To create and manage secure Cloudflare Tunnels, you first need to authenticate cloudflared CLI. Skip this step if you already have authenticated cloudflared locally.

$ docker run -v ~/.cloudflared:/etc/cloudflared cloudflare/cloudflared:2021.11.0 login

Running this command will:

  • Prompt you to select your Cloudflare account and hostname.
  • Download credentials and allow cloudflared to create Tunnels and DNS records.

​​ Start and prepare Postgres database

​​ Start the Postgres server

You can find a prepared docker-compose file that does not require any changes in scripts/postgres with the following services:

  1. postgres
  2. pgbouncer - Placed in front of Postgres to provide connection pooling.
  3. cloudflared - Allows your applications to connect securely, through a encrypted tunnel, without opening any local ports.

Run the following commands to start all services. Replace with a hostname on your Cloudflare zone to route traffic through this tunnel.

$ cd scripts/postgres
$ export
$ docker compose up
# Alternative: Run `docker compose up -D` to start docker-compose detached

docker-compose will spin up and configure all the services for you, including the creation of the Tunnel’s DNS record. The DNS record will point to the Cloudflare Tunnel, which keeps a secure connection between a local instance of cloudflared and the Cloudflare network.

​​ Import example dataset

Once Postgres is up and running, seed the database with a schema and a dataset. For this tutorial, you will use the Pagila schema and dataset. Use docker exec to execute a command inside the running Postgres container and import Pagila schema and dataset.

$ curl | docker exec -i postgres_postgresql_1 psql -U postgres -d postgres
$ curl | docker exec -i postgres_postgresql_1 psql -U postgres -d postgres

The above commands will download the SQL schema and dataset files from Pagila’s GitHub repository and execute them in your local Postgres database instance.

​​ Edit Worker and query Pagila dataset

​​ Database connection settings

In src/index.ts, replace with your Cloudflare Tunnel hostname, ensuring that it is prefixed with the https:// protocol:

const client = new Client({
user: 'postgres',
database: 'postgres',
password: '',
port: 5432,

At this point, you can deploy your Worker and make a request to it to verify that your database connection is working.

​​ Query Pagila dataset

The template script includes a simple query to select a number (SELECT 42;) that is executed in the database. Edit the script to query the imported Pagila dataset if the pagila-table query parameter is present.

// Query the database.
// Parse the URL, and get the 'pagila-table' query parameter (which may not exist)
const url = new URL(request.url);
const pagilaTable = url.searchParams.get('pagila-table');
let result;
// if pagilaTable is defined, run a query on the Pagila dataset
if (
) {
result = await client.queryObject(`SELECT * FROM ${pagilaTable};`);
} else {
const param = 42;
result = await client.queryObject(`SELECT ${param} as answer;`);
// Return result from database.
return new Response(JSON.stringify(result));

​​ Worker deployment

In wrangler.toml, enter your Cloudflare account ID in the line containing account_id:

name = "worker-postgres-template"
type = "javascript"
account_id = ""

Publish your function:

$ wrangler publish
✨ Built successfully, built project size is 10 KiB.
✨ Successfully published your script to

​​ Set secrets

Create and save a Client ID and a Client Secret to Worker secrets in case your Tunnel is protected by Cloudflare Access.

$ wrangler secret put CF_CLIENT_ID
$ wrangler secret put CF_CLIENT_SECRET

​​ Test the Worker

Request some of the Pagila tables by adding the ?pagila-table query parameter with a table name to the URL of the Worker.

$ curl
$ curl
$ curl
$ curl

​​ Cleanup

Run the following command to stop and remove the Docker containers and networks:

$ docker compose down
# Stop and remove containers, networks

If you found this tutorial useful, continue building with other Cloudflare Workers tutorials below.